I have done everything but the result is 16vdchttps://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1958119_10201843565969678_7041919733632740039_n.jpg?oh=9e741a7c55168c3040f5d37545084bd5&oe=54F262E4&__gda__=1427972573_beae274173964d0fe33251370e23b304
see in 3rd positive cycle ans should be 18 volts across 3 capacitor and is tghe output volatge
final ans should be 18 volt dc....apply principle of clamper ckt
the maximum output not exceed 26 volt
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I have done everything but the result is 16vdc
see in 3rd positive cycle ans should be 18 volts across 3 capacitor and is tghe output volatge
Deletefinal ans should be 18 volt dc....apply principle of clamper ckt
ReplyDeletethe maximum output not exceed 26 volt